Ganalik mijozimizni barcha mashinalarni muvaffaqiyatli qabul qilgani uchun tabriklaymiz!! Va professional muhandislarimiz tomonidan bir yarim oylik montaj mashg'ulotlaridan so'ng, ishlab chiqarish liniyasi muvaffaqiyatli ulandi va ishlay boshladi. Video...
Sierra-Leonedagi mijozimiz uchun mashina ishlab chiqarish tugashini samimiy tabriklaymiz! Buyurtmachi 6000 BPH PET shisha gazlangan ichimlikni to'ldirish ishlab chiqarish liniyasiga buyurtma beradi. Va endi yakunlandi va sinov muvaffaqiyatli o'tdi. Ishlab chiqarish liniyasi mashinalari allaqachon qadoqlangan...
CHOOSE YOUR SOLUTION COMEPLETE PRODUCTION LINE BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF JUICE PRODUCTION LINE The main equipment of plastic bottle juice production line includes bottle blowing machine, water treatment equipment, functional bev...
CHOOSE YOUR SOLUTIONCOMEPLETE PRODUCTION LINE BRIEF INTRODUCTION Carbonated Beverage Production Line The equipment production line of the gas-containing beverage filling machine adopts the linear way of entering and leaving the ...
CHOOSE YOUR SOLUTIONCOMEPLETE PRODUCTION LINE 5 GALLON FILLING LINE SOLUTION BRIEF LINE SOLUTION 3-5 gallon water production line consists of empty bottle transferring, automatic cap de-capper, automatic barrel external ...
CHOOSE YOUR SOLUTIONCOMEPLETE PRODUCTION LINE 3-10L FILLING LINE SOLUTION BRIEF LINE SOLUTION 3-10L water production line can meet the different needs of a large number of consumers for water in the market. Full automatic water ...
CHOOSE YOUR SOLUTIONCOMEPLETE PRODUCTION LINE BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF WATER PRODUCTION LINE Water is a necessity for our body, there are various kinds of water in the market, like, natural spring water, purified water, carbonated water,...